is on day 4 of the "WE NEED EACH OTHER" campaign. It's funny that I am saying this but people do not ONLY learn in school. WE learn from our experience and the experiences of others (for those who REFLECT). Out of the 146 graduates in my high school 144 were going to college. WE bought into the life curriculum of 1) go to school 2) go to college 3) get a job 4) save money 5) buy insurance 6) buy a house 7) retire 8) die. Luckily for me, I had sisters/friends who bought into the entrepreneurship journey. One sister started a hair salon and another followed after her mother to start a day care center. I bought the house while they bought houses and INVESTMENT properties. Since I completed my journey with nothing left but retire and die, I took a leap of faith and JUMPED ship! Now my children have WAY more career choices than I had. My loyalty is for sisters because my OCS (only child syndrome) is out of control. The more sisters I have, the more intense my OCS becomes. When a sister showed me what a co-wife (friend, help-mate, etc..) is supposed to look like, I went all in! Unfortunately, people are petty and consider "talking about each other" as not liking each other. If I am talking about YOU, I am trying to LEARN. Just because someone else is a negative nanny, I choose NOT to become one. My friends talk about me to try to understand why this crayon needs her own BOX #differentbydesign #mysistersTEACH #learnfromeachother #youGOweGO #reflection #sisterhood #ispoilthem #theyspoilme